Friday, April 13, 2007

My New Blog

Hello all! I've decided to join the millions of people who feel the need to publish private and intimate details of their life on the internet. Ye who look for juicy gossip be warned..... this blog will probably be mostly comprised of family anecdotes. It seems like a good way to keep family and friends in the loop with what John, I and the little ones are up to.

Of course, as the title suggests, it may also serve as my personal vent. Expect rants about family, weather, pregnancy, kids, or anything else that may irk me on any given day.

In a matter of acknowledgement, I need to send out a special thanks to John who helped me create this weblog (I'm easily confused by technology). He suggested many titles, none of which we chose, including - Meg's Steak House and Mustache Waxery. Ah, yes, the humor of my husband. Since all who may be reading this know John, I really feel no need to explain.

That seems to be a suitable introduction. There will be more later.....just as soon as I figure out what one is really supposed to write about in a blog with an intended audience of family and friends. (I.E. can't complain too much about hubby - his family will probably read this too :)

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