Sunday, April 6, 2008

Adventures of a Wonderful Weekend

This has been a truly wonderful weekend. We didn't have to go anywhere or do anything. I didn't run any errands. We didn't drive to Dubuque. Yesterday was gorgeous outside so we all walked to the park. The kids played and John and I enjoyed the beautiful day. Then I did some sewing. We all had dinner together. John and I watched a movie together after the kids went to bed.

I'm sure this all sounds very boring and mundane to some. But to me it was heaven. Lately, we have been so very, very busy. Every weekend we've had an unacheivable to-do list. I've been driving back and forth to Dubuque a lot lately. It was just so nice to stay home and relax.

After lunch today, I decided to make cookies with the kids. I looked in the cabinet. Hmm, no chocolate chips. Oooh, we'll make brown sugar pecan cookies, one of my favorites. We get the brown sugar measured out. Whoops, no butter. Think...should I use margarine instead? No, I really prefer to use real butter when I bake. "Hey honey? You busy? Can you run to the gas station and buy some butter, please?" So, of course, John jumps in his car and heads out for butter. Meanwhile, I chop the pecans. I grab my canister to measure out the flour. Whoops, no flour. I can't even remember using all the flour. Usually I'm really good about keeping track of things like that. So, I meet John on the deck. "Hey honey? Could you go back? We're out of flour, too." Of course, being John, he hands me the butter and turns right around and heads back out to get us some flour.

I go back in the house and add the butter to the brown sugar. Mix well. Eva is helping me with the electric mixer and Quinn is sitting on the counter begging for a taste. Literally begging, "Taste please, taste please" Over and over again, louder and louder until I give him a taste just so his mouth is full and he's quiet for a moment. Ok, the sugar and butter are mixed. Let's add the eggs. Go to fridge, OH MY GOD. I'm out of eggs, too? I don't remember using any of these things. Do we have elves? Do we have a family of borrowers living in our cellar? If so, they are getting a little bold. So, when John walks into the kitchen with a small bag of flour and I don't smile he wants to know what's wrong. And of course, I have to tell him that, although I was in the mood to make cookies, I don't actually have any of the ingrediants.

My perfect, wonderful hubby went back to the store for the third time and brought home 2 dozen eggs (just so we don't run out again tomorrow). Now, the cookies are still warm and they are wonderful. Just like my weekend.

And if you want to know a little secret, I can tell you what made the cookie thing even more funny. Yesterday, I decided to sprinkle baking soda on my carpet before I vacuumed. And I used all the baking soda. Last night, after dinner John asked me what I wanted to do. I said, let's take a walk. Then I had a brain wave. Let's walk up the gas station to buy some more baking soda, so I can make cookies with the kids tomorrow. So, in total four trips out for our cookies today. Oh well, at least we didn't have anything else to do:)

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