Friday, May 11, 2007

Feeling pregnant

Well, I'm finally starting to really feel pregnant....most of the time. It's so funny because when I first found out I was pregnant with Eva it was all I could think about. Every thing I did, ate, wore, just everything seemed related to my pregnancy.

Baby 2: When I was pregnant with Quinn, it felt very much the same. John and I had been planning to get pregnant and I was really excited to be pregnant again. I started thinking about all the new baby stuff I would get and started shopping for maternity clothes right away. I just got really involved in all the fun pregnancy stuff.

Baby 3: First of all, I was SHOCKED when I discovered I was pregnant again. I think that has a lot to do with it. For those of you who don't know, I got the positive test result when John was in Germany. I had taken 5 tests in 6 days and finally the blue line appears (oh, so faint) and I was like, "Oh, you've got to be F%#$ing kidding me" Oops, probably shouldn't have said that out loud.

So, I had to deal with a shock and of course, the dreaded fatigue. I get so tired when I'm pregnant I can barely function. Having Eva and Quinn compound this problem significantly. Not only do I have to get out of bed, I also have to be alert and watchful and playful and fun.... Are you kidding me?

But now, both the shock and the tiredness have passed (most of it, anyway). And once again, I'm excited about being pregnant. It took me a little longer this time, but I think I'm in the swing of things now. I'm about 3 1/2 months and just starting to show a little bit. This is the best part!! I get to wear all my super cute, trendy maternity clothes and I'm not yet as big as a house. For those of you who missed my previous pregnancies - yes, I got HUGE. Oh well, that's part of the deal.

This week I made 3 new tops and a dress. I'm super excited. I love to sew and I love maternity clothes - what could be better ?!? Plus now I have all these fantastic new shoes to go with my stuff. Yay me!

Enough about maternity clothes. I am really looking forward to this weekend. I love Mother's Day (but I really think it ought to last all weekend long). John and I have some fun things planned and I'm looking forward to some gorgeous weather. Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there! I hope we all get some pampering this weekend.

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