Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We follow a pretty standard bedtime routine at our house. The kids have a bath, then run around naked shrieking "I'm a naked baby", then we get into our jammies, and read stories. Then in a perfect world they would go to sleep.

In most cases, after stories, they each drink 2 cups of water in 1/2 ounce increments. "Another drink." "I need another drink." "Mom, I'm thirsty." Then Eva needs a new sweet receipt. "This one isn't sweet enough. I need a NEW one. One from your purse." (If you don't know - a glossy store receipt is what Eva uses as a security blanket. She must have a new "sweet" one every night).

Then we sing two songs, usually Lullaby and Rock-a-bye Baby. Then it's time to leave. At this point, Eva usually goes to sleep. She is 4 and she has the bedtime routine down. Quinn is another story altogether.

He usually gets out of bed between two and two hundred times. Usually John stays upstairs and works at his computer and just repeatedly puts him back in bed. Sometimes we put the door lock on, so he can't get out of the room. That's what I've done tonight. Here's what's happening.

Are you there?
It's me.
Mr. Quinn.
Are you out there?
Please come get me.
I need a drink."

I love that he told me who he was. Hey, it could have been any number of crazies in his room begging me to open the door and bring them some water.

So, I took him some water. Now I can hear him banging on the door. I'll bet any amount of money that he's lying on the floor kicking it. But, I can tell he's winding down because he's telling himself a little story. If I wait 10 minutes, I'll probably find him sleeping on the floor.

If he falls asleep soon, I may actually get some work done tonight! Only two more weeks until quilt show - I'll keep you posted :)

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