Well, I've been promising pictures for awhile now. Something is not working quite right with our website - it's not letting me upload pictures right now. As I have no idea how to fix something like that, it's out of my hands. Hopefully things will be ironed out soon. But, because John is sick this weekend, I'm just going to post some pictures here.
So, first off. Halloween. We had the best Halloween weather I can ever remember. Usually it is raining (or snowing), windy, and so cold the kids have to wear their winter coats under their costumes. This year it was 74 degrees on Halloween, and even though it cooled down as the sun went down, it was still wonderful.
Eva borrowed a princess costume from Kylie. John made Quinn a cowboy costume. And Dex wore Quinn's monkey costume from 2 years ago. So, all told we spend $3 on a cowboy hat!! I was really excited about this because Halloween costumes have gotten really expensive. I wanted to make really elaborate costumes for them (cuz that's what I like to do) but with the quilt show I just didn't have time. Bottom line: they looked really cute and got lots of candy.

Ok, second. Dex's Birthday. We had Dex's birthday party Saturday night after the quilt show. Mom and Amber came down to the show, then we all went back to our house for the party. I picked up pizza and we had chocolate birthday cake. I opted to make a cake instead of paying $20 for one at the grocery store. It wasn't anything too fancy, but it sure was tasty!

Dex got some really nice gifts, too. My mom bought him the cutest outfit from Baby Gap. He'll wear it in his one year pics and for Thanksgiving, and maybe for Christmas too. My sister bought a neat bath toy. It has a pump and a water slide. So, it sits on the side of the tub and constantly runs water down the slide. It's been a big hit with all three kids. Grammie sent really cool board books, they're really big and the colors are super bright. I think they're from Target....I'll have to check if they have anymore.

Lastly. Quilt Show. The quilt show was awesome. We had so much fun. I showed four quilts (I did get my mom's done!). We had 209 quilts total, plus 24 antique/special quilts for our bedturning. Considering our guild only has about 25 active members, I think that's quite a showing! There were so many interesting things to look at. I love to get ideas from other people's quilts, especially from those who've been quilting for 20+ years. I'm only showing pics of my quilts. I promise as soon as our secularpickle site is back up and running, I'll post pics of everything.

Quinn's Monkey Quilt

Eva's Garden Quilt - I finished this one in 2006. It has been on her bed for 2 years, and has faded quite a bit :(

Mom's quilt. I quilted this all sitting at my machine - that was really hard because it's a queen size!

Dex's Piggy Quilt. I have a picture of this somewhere else on my blog, but just for good measure...
Psst....It's snowing today :)